
Washington Parks and Refuges

on 04 April 2016
Created: 04 April 2016

Photo from Palouse State Park, Washington

Within the last several centuries people started understanding that their influence on the surrounding nature becomes more and more destructive. The desire of some people to protect the nature and wildlife resulted in creation in 1821 of the first natural reserve by Charles Waterton from Walton Hall in West Yorkshire (England), who surrounded his estate by a high fence in order to protect the territory from the poachers and trying to encourage and increase the bird breeding. 

The first state-protected natural reserve was created in Siebengebirge, Germany in 1836. And in 1872 the establishment of the world’s first National Park occurred – Yellowstone National Park in the United States of America. In accordance with the law more than 2 million acres of land were seized for public use in order to prevent commercial development there. Soon, other countries throughout the world have started to create their own parks and wildlife sanctuaries.

Photo from the Hall of Mosses Trail, Olympic National Park

Since then the number of protected areas in the United States increased incredibly. According to the data of 2015 there are 25,800 various protected areas throughout the United States, covering almost 14% of its land territory. 

The classification of such areas may seem very confusing, as areas protected on federal level preserve not only natural objects but also some historic monuments and sites, as well as geologically or scientifically significant territories (National Monuments), and are managed by different agencies, among which are the Nаtional Park Serviсe, US Fish and Wildlife Serviсe, Bureаu of Land Management, US Forest Service.

Photo of Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument from Johnston Ridge Observatory

Perhaps no other country in the world is famous for such fervor in the protection of natural reserves, as the United States. US National Parks - a kind of analogue of the gold reserve of the country, which at the same time is a permanent magnet for tourists, and a source of national pride. It is needless to say about the beauty of American nature reserves, many of which are familiar from movies, pictures in books and cards.

US protected areas meet travelers by inaccessible mountains, hot deserts and dense forests. The Americans, despite the craving for comfort and strong technological progress, are very sensitive to nature, which amazes with its splendor and diversity. Nature reserves and national parks of the country can boast not only of fantastic scenery but also of a developed infrastructure: here travelers will not have problems with roads and overnight.

Photo of Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, Washington State

National and State Parks System is a treasury of picturesque nature, which includes the most beautiful landscapes of the country. It became the last refuge for rare species of animals that otherwise would be gone forever. Today the natural reserves are a popular holiday destination of people looking for recreation and unity with nature. 

And our amazing Washington State, rich in scenic landscapes with breathtaking picturesque views, diverse wildlife and is full of various historically significant sites, which are preserved by government in National and State Parks, Wildlife Refuges, National Monuments and National Reserves, so that the future generations may also enjoy and admire the beauty, diversity and richness of their homeland.



Photo: Roman Khomlyak

Information: Svetlana Baranova