Quote of the Month:

Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own." - Charles Dickens

Soundtracks from Mount Rainier National Park Episode 3

in Music
Created: 20 January 2015

Mount Rainier National Park 4K Series - Episode 3


AudioJungle is part of Envato Market. At AudioJungle you can buy and sell royalty-free music and sound effects that are completely Podsafe for an appropriate sum of money, which includes a Buyer Fee. The site is home to a growing community of audio composers and producers.

AudioJungle is more than a place to find great audio, it’s a real growing community. You can not only buy a professional music here, but enjoy the communication with the authors and composers in the forums.

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AudioJungle likes to say that it is this community who really owns the site and AudioJungle team does its best to make sure customers get the most out of it by providing not just great selling facilities but also interactivity, news, competitions and much more!

If you like the music used in the Episode 3 of "Mount Rainier national Park" 4K Series, you can buy it here

1. Longing Look - OceanicPiano


2. Magic Spell – Train Cat


3.Sky Ambient – SanibelliAudio


4. Hidden Dreams – augustomeijer


5.Early Morning Mist – David Hollandsworth

Sorry, the track was removed from the website.

6.Total Inner Peace – ImproveAudio


7.Sostenuto - PianoBird


8.Karma is a part of Ultimative Grand Piano Pack – TheJRSoundDesign


9.Dark Piano - a part of Ultimative Grand Piano Pack – TheJRSoundDesign


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