Quote of the Month:

Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own." - Charles Dickens

Beautiful Snow Geese at Skagit Valley in Spring

Parent Category: Washington Counties
Created: 20 May 2019


Photo taken at Skagit Valley, Spring

Skagit Valley is not only a wonderful place to admire fascinating spring flowers but also it’s a great spot to view impressive snow geese. The Skagit Valley fields make popular destinations for photographers, nature lovers, and avid bird watchers that want to immerse in Washington’s most spectacular event, the arrival of migrating birds. 

Skagit County provides the habitat for thousands of fascinating bird species such as Snow Geese, Trumpeter Swans, and Tundra swans during the winter. It’s the best place for them to rest, feed and prepare for a long and sometimes difficult flight. Lots of birds come to the Pacific Northwest from Alaska, Siberia, and Wrangel Island, Russia. 


Photo taken at Skagit Valley, Spring

Snow geese have white bodies, black wingtips, and pinkish-orange bills, legs, and feet.  But actually, not all Snow Geese are white! The young geese can be grey or dark grey-brown. These migrating birds are complete vegetarians. Their diet consists of grasses, wheat, grains, etc. You 

Over 50,000 birds spend fall, winter and spring on the rich farmlands of Skagit Valley fields. From time to time, you can see large flocks of geese performing an intricate dance in the sky! It’s a spectacular show! The farm fields turn white when these noisy majestic birds fly from one field to another. 

Photos below will take you to Skagit Valley in Washington State! Look at these wonderful birds and get close to nature! 



These pictures were taken on April 20, 2017.


GPS Coordinates:
48°23'25.157" N 122°28'36.077" W


Photo: Roman Khomlyak

Photo Editing: Juliana Voitsikhovska

Information: Olena Ukholova

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